Bathroom Signs

restroom sign on the wall

Bathroom Signs in Green Bay

Whether you run an office, manage a store, or own a commercial property, it has to have bathrooms—and those bathrooms need signs. Your sign needs will be different depending on whether the ADA applies, if the bathroom is for your staff or the public, and many other reasons.

While we don’t often consider this, your bathroom signs also contribute to the look and feel of your space, so you don’t want to make them cheap or unclear. These days, there is also more emphasis on unisex bathroom signs. If you’re looking online for “bathroom signs near me”, the team at Covenant Signs & Graphics can help. We offer custom bathroom signs to meet your needs in Green Bay. 


What type of signage are you looking for?

Considerations for Your Bathroom Sign

All bathroom signs tell people the essential information they need to know: which way is the bathroom, and what kind of bathroom is this? For example, you might have a single-stall bathroom with a family changing table, or you might have massive bathrooms like those found at airports and malls. No matter the size, your bathroom needs a sign.

Plus, there are a few different types of bathroom signs that you might need in different circumstances, including:

  • ADA restroom signs: Your restroom signs may, or may not, need to be compliant with the ADA. If they do, they may require braille lettering, other characters, and contrast. They may also need to meet other requirements like being positioned at a particular height on a certain side of the door. We can help you meet ADA regulations.
  • Unisex bathroom signs: While many signs specify gender, some bathrooms can be used by people of either gender. We have design tips to create these signs so they can be clear.
  • Decorative bathroom signs: Get creative bathroom signs with more interesting ways to label your bathroom. For example, a movie theatre might choose to put iconic male and female characters on their bathroom doors.

Why Are Bathroom Signs Important?

You can opt for plain, typical bathroom signs. However, choosing custom options that really work with your space can be important in certain circumstances. For example, office bathroom signs may need to reflect the overall value of your brand.

You might benefit from any of these uses of bathroom signs:

  • Reflect the quality of your brand and subtly improve customer perception of it.
  • Blend in or enhance the other design elements of the space.
  • Ensure that everyone feels welcome in your building.
  • Wayfinding, or helping people find their way to the bathrooms.
  • Improve the look and perceived quality of your property.
bathroom sign in the office

The Restroom Sign Experts

What do you need for your space? Are all-gender bathroom signs a good idea? Should you be making a decorative statement with your signs? And what materials should you be using? Bathroom signs can get a bit more complex than you may think.

Fortunately, the experts at Covenant Signs & Graphics are here to help you make the best choices and get your signs quickly. We can discuss the cost of bathroom signs and help you make good design decisions to keep your signs within your budget. Reach out to our expert team today for guidance. 

Your Bathroom Sign-Makers in Green Bay

Simple, clear, and made quickly—that is what the team at Covenant Signs & Graphics offers for your bathroom signs. If you need something more elaborate or pretty for your restroom signs, we can help you with creative design ideas and advice. Contact us today to discuss your bathroom signs.