Monument Signs

custom monument sign in green bay

Monument Signs in Green Bay

Investing in a custom monument sign is a smart decision for many businesses. Standing out from the competition, building a better presence in the community, and marking your property as a destination are all goals that a great monument sign can help you with. Churches, schools, event venues, major retail stores, and many other organizations often choose monument signs for all the benefits they offer.

At Covenant Signs & Graphics, we make it our business to help you get the most value from your sign with great design, installation, and even maintenance and repair services. If you’re searching online for “monument signs near me” in Green Bay, our team can help. Learn all about this unique sign option below. 


What type of signage are you looking for?

Your Monument Sign Options

Driving around, you’ve probably spotted a few different takes on monument signs. They used to involve physical, changeable lettering. Now, you’re more likely to spot an electronic monument sign. Or, you may still spot one of these signs without customizable lettering. Instead, they just advertise the brand or location with or without lighting.

There is quite the range of design options and materials for these signs. This is good news because it means that you’ll find something that will fit your budget or your brand.

Some of the types of monument signs you might want to consider include:

  • Foam monument signs: These signs have foam cores and other materials on the outside. They save on costs and typically include external lights, not internal lights or digital displays.
  • Brick monument signs: Monument signs can be made to match your building’s brick or any other material you have for your property exterior.
  • LED monument signs: These are monument signs that include decorative LED lights.
  • Electronic monument signs: These signs have more complex digital display boards, which can show off interesting graphics and movement.
  • Architectural monument signs: These are well-designed signs that seek to make an architectural statement and work with your building’s exterior design.

The Benefits of Great Monument Signs

Modern monument signs offer your business many benefits. You should design your sign with the specific uses you have for it in mind. The potential uses of monument signs include: 

  • Welcoming customers: If your entrance is overwhelming and full of security, or just plain and boring, a monument sign can make it welcoming.
  • Guiding people in: Sometimes, its not clear where your business entrance is; a monument sign can help. It can also increase foot traffic.
  • Boosting your brand: You can increase your brand presence at the roadside to make more impressions and promote your business.
  • Communicating: Monument signs can have long messages about events, promotions, or just outreach to your community.
monument sign in green bay

Trust Your Monument Sign Experts

Commercial monument signs are a big investment, and you want to make sure that your sign will look the way you’d like it to. It should also be strategic and benefit your business the way you expect, from drawing in customers to sending out messages to the community.

At Covenant Signs & Graphics, we’re true experts who can guide you through the whole sign design, production, and installation process. Reach out to us to discuss the cost of monument signs and to answer any questions you might have. 

Choose Covenant Signs & Graphics

Our team can work with you to get the monument sign that will best suit your purposes and your property. We’re experts who offer all of the services you need to have a great sign for many years, including essential maintenance, repair services, and monument sign installation in WI. Trust us for fast service and high-quality signs. Contact us today to get started.